© 2015 Sylvia Ion


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Click to see other HumptyLabel pattern.
Pattern has image and instructions printed for easy identification.
Made in cotton muslin with touches of machine embroidery.
Made in a crinkle satin
Ruffles Everywhere!

     What is HumptyLabel fashion?  Well, think about it a minute.  Humpty is egg shaped.  HumptyLabel fashion is designed to make egg shaped people feel great.  They are free size. It lends itself to maternity but that was not the original intent.

     Humpty is also whimsical.  His little egg head goes on a tangent and almost overdoes it - but not quite. 

     This ruffle dress has adjustable shoulder ties.  Fitted a bit in front but loose in back.  Billowy shaped skirt.  Gathered cold shoulder sleeves.

Pattern is printed on news print and must be mailed.  $25.00