BOOK REVIEW:  HUSH LITTLE BABY, illustrated by Sylvia Ion, is set at Christmastime and depicts a daddy doting on his toddler child.  As Daddy puts his finger to his lips to tell baby his secret, the mockingbird is perched on his hat mocking him.  But the mockingbird takes the instructions to "hush" too seriously and won't say a word. He refuses to sing.  The ring is so large that it fits around baby's wrist and causes discoloration on the arm.  Daddy quickly puts his hat on baby's head and holds up a looking glass for the baby to see.  The next scene depicts the aftermath of an incident.  The mirror is broken and a silly billy goat has the hat in his mouth.  The story progresses in like manner. The horse drawing their cart spies a carrot nose on a snowman.  The snowman was probably also made by Daddy to amuse Baby since the snowman is now wearing Daddy's hat.  The horse makes a quick turn to eat the carrot nose and the cart tips over.  After their event-filled day, Daddy and Baby snuggle down exhausted in a wing back chair.  Of all the gifts presented, the best of all is the time Daddy spends with his baby.


MORE BOOKS  By The Artist - Sylvia Ion
© 2015 Sylvia Ion



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