MORE BOOKS  By The Artist - Sylvia Ion
© 2015 Sylvia Ion


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BOOK REVIEW:  Oh A-hunting We Will Go illustrated by Sylvia Ion. Our version of this traditional song begins with three children setting out to hunt down an imaginary fox inspired by a pull-toy.  Their adventure begins by marching with their non-violent weapons, a plunger, a flashlight and a cardboard tube through which to spy.  While one child struggles to release his misfired plunger from the side of the page, the fox is spotted.  After sitting in a music box, the imaginary fox trots off uprightly, waving to his friends as he exits.  But it doesn't stop there.  The next verse finds our children marching off to go fishing.  They were obviously inspired by their pet goldfish in the bowl which one child carries.  Another child carries a fishing pole with a musical note tied to the end of the line for bait.  Perhaps she will lure the fish with music.  While fishing in the imaginary flat area of water on the floor, they catch an enormous gold fish.  After splashing in a dish, the giant fish trots off uprightly, waving good-bye to his friends with his fin.  Even the pet goldfish waves good-bye to his larger counterpart.
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